Acupuncture headache

Acupuncture headache
Almost everyone has had a headache at some point. One suffers from it for a few hours, the other days. The pain can also be different, such as stabbing or nagging. The location of the headache can also differ, such as at the temples, the forehead or on the skull edge. For one, the headache comes on acutely and for the other it comes on slowly. In short, there are many different types of headaches. Some people suffer so much that they are irritable, tired, can no longer sleep or even have to report sick.
Tension headache
Tension headaches are common and are caused by too much tension in the muscles of your neck and shoulders. This can be caused by complaints such as stress, emotional pressure, fatigue, ear infection, sinus infection, increased blood pressure or an accident/trauma to the head. Therefore it is important to discuss all complaints.
In migraine, the headache is usually one-sided, throbbing or stabbing and can last for several hours or even days. Often there is also nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light or sound. Feeling tingling and seeing flashes is also common. In women, migraine often is related to the hormonal system.
Cluster headache
In cluster headaches, the attack is very intense, cutting or piercing and usually around or behind one eye. The pain can radiate to the temples, nose or jaws. The attacks can last between 15 minutes and 3 hours. There are periods with attacks and periods without attacks. It is striking that the periods with attacks often occur in the same time of year and that the pain, in contrast to migraine, is always on one side. There is no Western medical explanation for this type of headache.
What can acupuncture do
In the treatment of headaches, all your complaints in the body play a role. The functioning of the whole body is essential. A lot of attention is paid to the location of the headache, the type of pain and the possible causes of the headache. How many treatments are needed depends on this. In general, acupuncture can help to reduce the intensity and duration of the complaints and even completely symptom free might also be possible.
For questions, please feel free to contact me: or +31(0)6 42238241.
Acupuncture often allows more recovery than you thought at first!


For what complaints

About Liesbeth
Because of my Chinese-Indonesian father, who kept his acupuncture practice to home, I am very familiar with Eastern tradition.